
Graphical terminal on Proxmox machine based on debian, X11, gnome, synergy, grid screen, auto tiling


# X11
make test-x

# Wayland
make test-wayland

# Formatting, when you do npm install, 
# husky gets installed should force prettier formatting during commit
npm run format


Install GNOME

apt-get install gnome 

Install X-windows

Update your repository and system by running:

apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

I choose xfce4 desktop as this a lightweight desktop environment. If you prefer another one, just replace xfce4 with lxde, gnome, icewm, kde, …

apt-get install xfce4 chromium lightdm

Before starting the x-windows, create a normal user with:

adduser newusername

Start the login manager:

systemctl start lightdm

How To Install Pop Shell Window Tiling Extension

sudo apt install node-typescript make git

get the Pop Shell code from GitHub, build and install it for the current user on your GNOME 3.36, 3.38 or 40 desktop using:

git clone
cd shell
make local-install

For Ubuntu / Debian, you can either download the Pop Shell Shortcuts DEB from here (it has no dependencies), or build it yourself as follows.

Install the Pop Shell Shortcuts dependencies:

sudo apt install cargo rustc libgtk-3-dev

clone the Pop Shell Shortcuts git repository, build and install it:

git clone
cd shell-shortcuts
sudo make install

Installing Material Shell

Material Shell - A new desktop experience


Some hotkeys might already be used by GNOME Shell - please check your keybindings first.

Desktop navigation

Window manipulation

Extra Hotkeys



apt install flatpak
# Install the Software Flatpak plugin
apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
# Add the Flathub repository
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

Add User

the usermod command with the -a (append) and -G (group name) options to add users to sudoers. The -G option allows us to name the group we’d like to add the user to, and the -a option tells usermod to add the new group to the list of existing groups this user is already in. make sure you’ve included the -a option.

sudo usermod -aG sudo tom

We need to edit the sudoers file.

sudo visudo

Add these lines below that section

# user tom can install software
tom     ALL=(root) /usr/bin/apt


# An easy way to install the most recent release version of Solaar is from the PyPI repository. First install pip, and then run
pip install --user 'solaar[report-descriptor,git-commit]'

# This will not install the Solaar udev rule, which you will need to install manually by copying
# to /etc/udev/rules.d as root.

GPU Passthrough on Proxmox

Proxmox client